Five million people live without housing, 124 million live in mud houses and slums. Poverty and homelessness have an intertwined relationship; circumstances of poverty such as debt, lack of education, poor mental and physical health and disability — are underlying causes of homelessness.
Provide the gift of shelter to a poor or displaced family. Just £3,000 can give one family in Bangladesh a sturdy two-bedroom home with a kitchen, WC and bathroom.
A proper home will help a family live a proper life. Children will be able to go to school, breadwinners will earn a livelihood, and mothers will raise a wholesome family.
The homeless population in Bangladesh, especially women abandoned by their spouses and too poor to provide for themselves, are exposed to many instances of violence, drug abuse and sexual assault.
We have a strategy in place to help the situation. We are working with local social services in various parts of Bangladesh to determine the most affected and help them by building a basic house in order for them to start a new life.