About us

RDF Global is a non-profit charity established in 2006

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About us

RDF Global is a non-profit charity established in 2006. The founders started this philanthropic project from within a modest household. Some years later, professionals from all walks of life have joined the organisation to volunteer and expand on the numerous projects on offer.

RDF Global is a 100% charitable platform and there is no hierarchy within our organisation. Our foundation is based on TRUST and hard work ethics.

Our establishment is run by volunteers only.

Our Values

RDF Global’s core values comprise “Transparency, Reliability, Unity, Sincerity, and Trust.”

These are the five values that drive RDF Global and form a rock-solid foundation and guide for all the operations of the organisation.

We are clear in our actions, decisions and communications with both the people we work with and those we serve. This ensures that we are honest and open in our interactions and judgement. We accept feedback, are comfortable in responding to constructive criticism and always plan resolutions to improve ourselves.

We believe reliability is a way of being, and the basis of trust. As with all our values, we are constantly working to strengthen reliability; it is a journey, not a destination. Collectively, we take pride in our work, and want to ensure our services are truly exceptional.

We believe unity is strength. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. That is why our team of proficient volunteers work together to make decisions. We have many voices, but one very clear message.

We believe sincerity goes a long way. All our volunteers joined RDF Global for one purpose, to serve and express their humanitarian passions.

We understand the importance of “Amanah,” therefore all our work is thoroughly overseen and documented with quality reports. Our projects are delivered only after detailed research is undertaken and based on a needs assessment. This ensures those facing the most hardship are prioritised and helped in the first instance.

Our Vision

To help create a world where the rights of destitute people are met and fulfilled.

Our Mission

To provide proper maternal care, clean water & sanitation, rehoming the displaced and providing decent education available for the impoverished.

We vow to maintain the highest regard for every single person we work with or support – irrespective of their background.