Maternity Appeal

Bangladesh Maternity Appeal

Goal: £50,000.00

Welcome to RDF Global

Rural Development Foundation (RDF) Global is a relief and development charity that was established by a small group of concerned individuals after witnessing the poverty blighting rural Bangladesh. 

Honest, hard-working families here, despite their best efforts, were unable to break the cycles of hunger, ill-health and degradation. Much of this was because they lacked the basic infrastructure needed to kickstart their lives. 

After delivering several projects in the country as a family in 2006, RDF Global grew into something unique. 

Today, it is a vehicle for sincere, committed and skilled volunteers to make a permanent difference to the lives of rural and forgotten families in, not just Bangladesh, but around the world.

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We undertake a stringent need assessment for all causes before we implement the projects. This is to ensure the Amanah entrusted to us reaches the neediest beneficiaries. There is no compromise when it comes to travelling to regions which are hard to access logistically. We have delivered Aid and projects to all four points of the country. The people we help may change over time, but the needs remain the same. Therefore, our core campaigns revolve around health, food, water and regeneration projects.

Safe Water Solution

Unclean water kills more people each year than all forms of violence, including War.

Gift of Sight

Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of untreated cataracts worldwide, stopping many from working and unable to provide for their families.

Project REGEN

Around five million people sadly have nowhere to call Home. A further hundred million people live in broken slum dwellings, most of which are uninhabitable

Maternity Clinic

Join our campaign to fight child mortality and provide a better life for mothers.

Our Flagship Project

The rural region of Sunamganj has one of the highest infant mortality rates in Bangladesh. This prompted RDF Global to initiate its first project being a Maternity Clinic. A facility which provides an Antenatal care with ultrasound, Delivery and Postnatal care totally free for the poor women of Bangladesh.

Get Involved

Join RDF Global, put your enthusiasm, time, and compassion to beneficial use. You can make a real difference to the lives of ordinary men, women and children who have found themselves in very difficult, life-threatening circumstances.